Hospitality Industry urged to respond to the Government Consultation on Calorie Labelling


17 Sep

The Government have launched a consultation on Calorie labelling for food and drink served outside the home which can be found here.

Industry bodies are urging businesses to respond to “make their voices heard”

The body of the consultation document invites Reponses to;

  • The types of businesses which should have to display information (on calories).
  • Where they should display it.
  • Problems and issues of the businesses, should the Proposed Legislation be implemented.

UKHospitality chief executive Kate Nicholls said:

“The consultation does seem to acknowledge that there will be difficulties for some businesses, particularly smaller ones, to implement calorie labelling.

UKHospitality has been very clear that any inflexible mandatory requirements will place considerable burdens on smaller businesses and those venues that change their menus regularly. UKHospitality will be using the consultation as an opportunity to reiterate that point and highlight the efforts already being undertaken by the sector to provide transparency and choice.”

“At a time of economic and political uncertainty, and with costs continuing to rise for employers, the last thing businesses need is additional, unwieldy legislation. We will be making this point forcefully to the Government to ensure that any new rules are proportionate and take into account the challenges faced by SMEs.”

Please note responses should be lodged by 11:59pm on the 7th December 2018.   We will keep you updated as to any published results.

Law correct at the date of publication.
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